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Ready Set Go Videos

CANWA and Harrison Ford's videos below

CANWA Ready Set Go
Harrison Ford speaks to Wildfires

(RSG) Ready Set Go is a program designed to have you and your loved ones Ready Set to Go when minutes count to evacuate. The detailed contents of your suite case are listed in the following page and you will NOT have time to get it together without advance planning.

The RSG program is very simple to do


Sign Up


Learn what you will be placing into the moch RSG bag for you and your family. Moch RSG Bag list >>


Understand the importance of having the materials ready to go when you only have minutes.


Create a plan to meet after the evacuation.


Learn that what may take you up to 2 days to gather your documents now you will literally only have minutes in the event of a real wind driven wildfire.

This is all you will need to do to participate in the moch drill. Go to the Sign Up link and provide the following information to the secured website where everything you provide is highly confidential.


  • Provide Name

  • Provide your physical address

  • Provide at least 2 cell phone numbers to receive notifications

  • Provide one email address


That’s it!  

(All information held in the strictest of confidentiality)


Congratulations on taking the first step to wild fire life safety.

What's Next?


On Sunday August the 21st your will receive a mass notification on your numbers as a reminder that you have one week until the actual drill to get your RSG suitcase together.

Sunday August 28th you will receive a mass notification to conduct a moch evacuation of your home; NOT by leaving; but by simply turning your cars facing the direction of escape and stand with your RSG bag and your family members and pets leashed or caged in your driveway for 10 min until a volunteer comes by your home marks your address as participated and hands you a bag of which includes a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles for your participation and information from LAFD CERT and other preparedness information.

Then you just simply go back into your home. That’s it!  At 12 noon on the 28th you will receive one more message from the City of Los Angeles of All Clear. It’s that simple. In that simplicity you will be able to discern just how long it actually took to get that bag together and realize that there was no way you could have achieved that task in just minutes in a real evacuation.

Your complete and total preparedness on the 28th of August is a labor of love for you and your family and will be remembered as such in the event of a real wind driven fire event. One way in and out gives you serenity you love so don’t allow any delay to turn that into a deadly trap. Be Ready Set to Go with CANWA and the following organizations:


Ready Set Go Sign Up!

Yes I made an important decision to protect myself and my family in the event of a moment’s notice evacuation.

All information is kept in highly confidential secured database for the exclusive purpose of notification for the event only.


What goes into the BAG

All those items that are hard to recreate from Government or Corporate entities



  • Birth Certificates   

  • Marriage Certificates

  • Death Certificates

  • Pass Ports

  • Wills and Estate Planning

  • Divorce Paperwork

  • Citizenship paperwork

  • Medications / Prescriptions

  • Meds for you and family including pets

  • Eye glasses / contact lenses

  • First Aid kit/ flash lights one for each person and extra batteries

  • Sanitation supplies

  • Pet Food and 2 gallons of water per person one per pet

  • Battery powered radio

  • Chargers extra cell phone battery and cables

  • Change of clothes for 3 days / shoes / boots / under garments

  • Dry or canned food for 2 days/ pet food



  • Home and Auto Insurance paperwork

  • Patents / Trademarks

  • Corporate Documents

  • Laptops and external hard drives

  • Credit cards , cash or traveler checks



  • Valuables

  • Family photos and other irreplaceable items

  • One of a kind items



  • UGG Boots under the bed

  • Move all the curtains away from windows and close all windows and door but don’t lock them

  • Turn of all auto controllers for A/C Shut them down

  • Move all patio furniture that can burn into the center of the house

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