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Membership Services

California Assn. of Neighborhood Watch provides the following services on a subscription basis for members only.


Daily / nightly patrols in marked and unmarked cars that can be contacted by your block commander through your block captains in the event a response is required. As an observe and report organization we capture data that can be used to pass along to the LAPD. Suspicious people, autos, activities.


High visibility stickers for all autos in the household to quickly identify vehicles that are not members.


In home security health check ups for the home or office. Security specialist will determine specific criteria to harden the home as a target for burglars. Make recommendations that make sense for the lifestyle and budget.


Monthly newsletter on activities in the area to be aware of including (BOLO) Be on the lookout information.


Situational awareness Excel Spreadsheet with all members names and contact information including home and cell numbers to notify one another in case of an event that looks suspicious to able to reach out to one another.


Trash can services. Bring in and out during non-occupancy time periods.


Organized management team of neighborhood block captains and a block commander that each member has access to report on conditions to radio dispatched patrol.


Patrol that captures auto and suspect data and turns that over to LAPD when needed.


High contact with unwanted individuals to let them know that information has been gathered on them and their vehicle. 


Street camera services that are monitored for unusual activity or vehicles that have the latest technological advancements for reading VIN numbers to match plate number in real time mis-match.

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